Saturday, March 30, 2013

Top 5 Social Media posts for the weekend

Top 5 Social media reads for the weekend from Mari Smith

1. How to Find the Best Content to Share on Social Media -

I'm a huge fan of sharing "OPC" -- other people's content! Andrea has put together a stellar list of 8 different ideas, sources and resources for where you can consistently surface quality, relevant content to share on your own social channels. You'll want to bookmark this post!

2. 4 Ways to Start Building a Community on Facebook -

Great article packed with useful tips from my friends at ShortStack! Remember, the rules around what you can/cannot have on your cover image changed last week. Now you can include promotions, calls to action, contact info and more. Read more here.

3. New Research Shows Most Consumers Still Don't Trust Brands in Social Media -

"Only 10% of European consumers trust posts by brands on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter; in North America this number increases to 15%. This is the finding of new research from Forrester." Yikes, such low numbers! However, don't fret. The emphasis needs to be on engaging, influencer outreach, building relationships: making the focus on your audience, not you/your brand. When you can get other people raving about you/your company/your brand, that trust rating goes way up!

4. 12 LinkedIn Branding Tips For Small Businesses -

Nicely written post with clear steps and great visuals. If you've been thinking of boosting your LinkedIn marketing, this is a good quick read.

5. The Secret Guide to Video and SEO -

Are you including video in your marketing on a regular basis? This fabulous post on KISSmetrics is well worth the read. (One of the video examples plays on load - short clip of jeans on Zappos. Just FYI!). One of my absolute favorite launch videos is featured: The Dollar Shave Club. Genius. Check out this helpful post on video marketing, too: What Makes A Video Go Viral?

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